How Gratitude Enhances Well-Being

March 17 • Lisa Sykes, UCo Director of Sustainability • Wellness & Sustainability

Practicing gratitude offers benefits for spa and wellness professionals. The physical and psychological benefits of giving thanks are too important and abundant to limit to an annual holiday. Studies conducted by University of California-Davis psychologist Robert Emmons indicate that those who consistently practice gratitude sleep better, feel less lonely, experience more joy, and have stronger immune systems. And that's just the beginning of the health benefits of gratitude.


Gratitude is associated with optimism and positive thinking, all of which contribute to better well-being. Just as your body needs regular exercise to remain healthy, so does the mind with positive thinking. It's good for your business, too! Your spa is a wellness retreat. If you incorporate positivity into your daily habits you will feel good mentally and physically, and it will flow through your healing hands as you deliver treatments. Clients will notice.

5 Easy Ways to Show Thankfulness

Even if you're a pessimist, adopting a few optimist traits can bring more pleasure and compassion into your life. So here are a few ways to consistently practice gratitude:

1. Send a cheerful text.

Send a text or GIF to connect with a friend. Our phones are often with us all the time. During a break, find a friend in your contacts and send a quick text to say hello, or send a pic of your dog, your cat, or your kids doing something fun. A notification can turn into a pleasant surprise for them.

2. Write a thank you note.

There's something deeply personal and special about a handwritten note, for the writer and the recipient. If someone has given you a gift or provided a favor, write a short note thanking them.

3. Immerse yourself in nature.

Take some quiet time with a hike in the woods or a stroll on the beach. Breathe it all in and contemplate the power and beauty of the natural world.

4. Donate gently used items to a local charity.

Animal shelters can always use towels and linens to warm crates or concrete floors. Domestic violence shelters are in constant need of used cell phones. These are just a couple of ideas.

5. Hold the door for someone.

This simple act of kindness yields more than a smile and a 'thank you.' It can actually help someone have a better day.

How do you practice gratitude? Share your experience and ideas with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #UCGratitude.

Universal Companies is proud to have a team of experienced spa advisors on staff and welcomes you to consult with our professionals about spa products and supplies, including ingredients, equipment, and retail. Dedicated to the success of spa professionals everywhere, we're grateful to be recognized with the American Spa Magazine Professional's Choice Award, Favorite Distributer of the Year for many consecutive years. (Thank you!)

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